
Serverless AWS Lambdafunction Scheduled Cronjob

Use the Serverless Framework to deploy a scheduled cronjob Lambdafunction to Amazon Web Service. The scheduled Lambdafunction in the template below will run every 10 minutes.

AWS Scheduled Lambdafunction Serverless Template

1functions: 2 CustomLambdaName: 3 handler: src/scheduled/index.handler 4 environment: 5 PRIMARY_KEY: ID 6 events: 7 - schedule: 8 rate: rate(10 minutes) 9 enabled: true 10 iamRoleStatements: 11 - Effect: Allow 12 Action: 13 - dynamodb:Query 14 Resource: 15 - ${cf:cross-stack-reference-${opt:stage, self:provider.stage}.DynamoDBTableName}/index/date-index 16 - Effect: Allow 17 Action: 18 - dynamodb:DeleteItem 19 - dynamodb:PutItem 20 - dynamodb:UpdateItem 21 Resource: 22 - ${cf:cross-stack-reference-${opt:stage, self:provider.stage}.DynamoDBTableName} 23 iamRoleStatementsInherit: true