
Read Data From AWS S3 With Nodejs

Example of getting data from S3 and a stream function to read the data into a useable format.
1getFile = async (bucket: string, key: string): Promise<any> => { 2 const { Body } = await this.s3.send( 3 new GetObjectCommand({ 4 Bucket: bucket, // name of the S3 bucket ex: "configuration-bucket" 5 Key: key // File Key ex: "configs/config.json" - No leading "/" 6 }) 7 ); 8 const bodyContents: any = await this.streamToString(Body); 9 if (!bodyContents || typeof bodyContents !== 'string') { 10 throw new Error('Config Type Error'); 11 } 12 return JSON.parse(bodyContents); 13} 14 15streamToString = (stream: any) => 16 new Promise((resolve, reject) => { 17 const chunks: any = []; 18 stream.on("data", (chunk: any) => chunks.push(chunk)); 19 stream.on("error", reject); 20 stream.on("end", () => resolve(Buffer.concat(chunks).toString("utf8"))); 21 });