
Serverless AWS Lambda Function as API Gateway Endpoint

Serverless template to create an AWS Lambda Function connected to an existing API Gateway API. The API Endpoint has an example of a dynamic path variable and allowed querystrings.

Add the following YAML to the provider and functions sections of your Serverless file.

1provider: 2 apiGateway: 3 restApiId: ${ApiGatewayID} 4 restApiRootResourceId: ${ApiGatewayRootResourceID} 5 6functions: 7 ApiListMethod: 8 handler: src/api/index.queryhandler 9 events: 10 - http: 11 path: /animals/{primaryKey} 12 method: get 13 request: 14 parameters: 15 paths: 16 primaryKey: true 17 querystrings: 18 secondaryKey: false 19 iamRoleStatements: 20 - Effect: Allow 21 Action: 22 - dynamodb:* 23 Resource: 24 - '*' 25 iamRoleStatementsInherit: true 26 timeout: 30