
Serverless AWS CloudFormation Output Stack Variables

Export AWS CloudFormation Stack variables so that other AWS CloudFormation Stacks can reference them. Learn how to export a DynamoDB Table name, arn, and streamArn.

Add the following to the resources section of your Serverless YAML file:

1resources: 2 Resources: 3 DynamoTable: 4 Type: AWS::DynamoDB::Table 5 Properties: 6 TableName: ${self:service}-${opt:stage, self:provider.stage}-dynamo-db-table 7 BillingMode: PAY_PER_REQUEST 8 AttributeDefinitions: 9 - AttributeName: id 10 AttributeType: S 11 KeySchema: 12 - AttributeName: id 13 KeyType: HASH 14 StreamSpecification: 15 StreamViewType: NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES 16 17 18 Outputs: 19 DynamoTableName: 20 Value: { Ref: DynamoTable } 21 DynamoTableArn: 22 Value: { Fn::GetAtt: [DynamoTable, Arn] } 23 DynamoTableStreamArn: 24 Value: { Fn::GetAtt: [DynamoTable, StreamArn] }