Google SheetsGoogle Sheets is a spreadsheet based collaboration service that helps teams share data in real time across multiple devices. If you’re a Google Sheets user, your account contains data about spreadsheets, documents, slides, meetings, security, and more. You can use Carova Connectors to transfer data from Google Sheets to your Carova Solution or other supported applications.

Google Sheets Connector

Web-based spreadsheet application.
Trasfer Data into CarovaCarova Solutions has an available connector to ingest data from Google Sheets
Transfer Data out of CarovaCarova Solutions has an available connector that can send data to Google Sheets
Real Time Event StreamCarova Solutions has an available connector to process Real Time Event Streams from Google Sheets

Ready to Build a Google Sheets Connector?
Schedule a demo to see how quickly you can be transferring data from Google Sheets to Your Data Warehouse.

Supported Models for the Google Sheets Connector

When you configure a Carova Connector with Google Sheets as the data source, you can transfer any of the following data objects into your Carova Solution:

Transferring data from Google Sheets with a flow

To transfer data from Google Sheets, create an Carova Connectors flow, and choose Google Sheets as the data source. For the steps to create a flow, see Creating flows in Carova Connectors.

When you configure the flow, choose the data object that you want to transfer. For the objects that Carova Connectors supports for Google Sheets, see Supported objects.

Also, choose the destination where you want to transfer the data object that you selected. For more information about how to configure your destination, see Supported destinations.

If a flow is left idle for too long, it can time out. To increase the default session time, see Set session length for Google Cloud services</span ><awsui-icon className="awsdocs-link-icon" name="external" ></awsui-icon >in the Google Workspace Admin Help.

Note also that the Google Sheets API is a shared service. To keep the overall environment functioning smoothly, Google places limits on the number of read requests you’re allowed per minute. If you exceed the limit, Google Sheets will generate an error. To learn more about limits, and about how to request an increase in your limit, see Usage limits</span ><awsui-icon className="awsdocs-link-icon" name="external" ></awsui-icon >in the Google Sheets Reference.

Supported Destinations

Carova Connector configured with Google Sheets as the data source can transfer data to the following 3rd party solutions.
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