Amazon EventBridgeEventBridge is a serverless service that uses events to connect application components together, making it easier for you to build scalable event-driven applications. Event-driven architecture is a style of building loosely-coupled software systems that work together by emitting and responding to events.

Amazon EventBridge Connector

Serverless event bus that makes it easy to connect applications together using data from your own applications, integrated SaaS applications, and your Carova Solution
Trasfer Data into CarovaCarova Solutions has an available connector to ingest data from Amazon EventBridge
Transfer Data out of CarovaCarova Solutions has an available connector that can send data to Amazon EventBridge
Real Time Event StreamCarova Solutions has an available connector to process Real Time Event Streams from Amazon EventBridge

Ready to Build a Amazon EventBridge Connector?
Schedule a demo to see how quickly you can be transferring data from Amazon EventBridge to Your Data Warehouse.
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